The Observer Within – Harnessing the Power of Meditation

Unleashing the Power of Meditation: A Journey Toward Self-Awareness and the Observant Mind

Ever found yourself tangled in the cobwebs of overthinking and wished for a key to untangle these knots? Settle in with us today as we unlock the secret door to self-awareness through the power of meditation, exploring the beautiful duality within us – the mind and body, head and heart. We delve deep into the mystical realm of the ‘third presence,’ the silent observer within us, that harmonizes these dual forces and guides us to decode the enigma of our existence.

We empower you with effective strategies to transit from chaotic thinking to embracing the serene role of an observer, tapping into the unexplored creative source within you. Have you ever paused to ponder upon the transformative implications of making contact with the core of our being? Tune in as we demystify how this simple act can revolutionize our perspective and leave a profound impact on our lives. Get ready to embark on this enlightening journey towards enhanced self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your existence.


(00:20) The Power of Meditation and Self-Awareness
(07:13) Observer’s Role in Meditation
(24:22) Observing and Making Contact’s Value

—Chapter Summaries—

(00:20) The Power of Meditation and Self-Awareness

I discuss the unique benefits of a practice like meditation and how it allows us to see our ideal self. I explore the duality of mind and body, head and heart and the third presence that can bring order to the other two. When we make contact with this third presence, it can help us make sense of our lives and bring peace between the other two. I also explain how we can access this observer state, how it can help us see things how they are, and how being aware of this can change our lives. Finally, I discuss how we can engage with action positively, rather than negatively, and how being alive is about doing and being.

(07:13) Observer’s Role in Meditation

I explain how to let go of our over-involvement in our thinking and assume the role of observer, allowing us to gain clarity and meaning. I also explain how a meditation practice can open us up to the creative source within us and provide us with an objective to make contact with our own being. Finally, I share how our thoughts and emotions can subside when we become less focused on them, and how making contact with the source of our own being can be known from a feeling perspective.

(24:22) Observing and Making Contact’s Value

I emphasize the importance of making contact with ourselves and embracing the role of the observer. I explain how adopting this approach can be calming, clarifying, and reassuring. I emphasize that a practice like meditation can be helpful in achieving the desired outcomes. Finally, I remind listeners of the option to donate to the podcast and ask questions.

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Take care and all the best.

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