Cooperating With Our Own Life

Moving From Making Things Happen to Letting Things Happen

We can be the cause of our own stagnation if we try too hard or are too rigid. We can be the obstacle to our own success if we don’t cooperate with ourselves. The knowledge that we have full agency over ourselves can be a tremendous gift.

We have two ways of being: active or passive. It’s important to find balance between the two so we can move fluidly between action and inaction, force and yielding. Doing this makes us powerful creators and gives us the ability to choose the right tool for the job.

Surrender is an ability to accept and cooperate with life, rather than trying to control it. It can look effortful, but is actually a way to join the flow of life and experience ease. It can help us to break away from our individualistic thinking and join the cooperation of creation.

We need to learn to cooperate with life instead of pushing against it. We can choose how we want to feel and life will reflect that back to us. If we start to listen to life, we may learn something unexpected.

We often strive to control our lives, but if we take a step back and listen to life, we can learn and grow. Life is always communicating to us, and if we pay attention, it can help us take a step closer to who we want to be. Life is full of balance; we need to learn to find a way to combine our activity and passivity, control and surrender, to find a third way and cooperate with life.

Life is always different and can’t be fully controlled, but it’s worth living and experiencing.

Key Lessons

  1. We can be the cause of our own stagnation if we are too rigid.
  2. Surrendering is accepting and cooperating with life, rather than trying to control it.
  3. Life is always different and can’t be fully controlled, but it is worth living and experiencing if we learn to cooperate with it.

Full episode transcript available at:

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