Allowing Life To Come to Us

Finding Balance: Experiencing Joy, Peace, Connection, and Passion Through Trusting the Flow of Life

“Letting the game of life come to you” is an expression that communicates an ease, comfort, and naturalness in life, rather than striving too hard and being anxious. Believing that you will get what you want without having to try hard or be perfect is a key to living a fulfilling life. Life is full of choices and we have far more control over our lives than we think.

Fear can tell us when something matters, and following our hearts and passions can be useful advice. However, we must be mindful to not become too obsessed with our pursuits and enjoy the journey. Trying too hard, living a maniacal life, and striving for joy can lead to imbalance.

Instead, we should find a balance between doing and non-doing, allowing things to come to us, and having faith that we can have what we want. We don’t need to try as hard as possible to get and hold onto the things we want. Instead, we can trust that when the time comes, we’ll know what to do and what’s right for us.

We can stay open to possibility and let life come to us. Let go of trying to control everything and allow life to come to us. This is our greatest freedom – to choose what we do and don’t do, what we value and don’t value, and how we respond to life.

Experiencing and trusting the flow of life is key to finding joy, peace, connection and passion. Instead of filling our lives with frantic activity and fear, let’s have faith, confidence, and trust in life and move with it, allowing it to come to us.

Key Lessons

  1. We can find a balance between doing and non-doing to live a life of ease, comfort and naturalness.
  2. Trusting the flow of life and staying open to possibility can bring us joy, peace, connection and passion.
  3. Letting go of trying to control everything and having faith, confidence, and trust in life is key to finding lasting fulfilment.

Full episode transcript available at:

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