All Ideas Are the Same Size, Part 2

We should let ourselves dream and envision our perfect life without fear of judgement and take small steps towards achieving it. We should believe in ourselves and our dreams no matter how hard they may seem, and never give up striving for them. We should be open to possibilities and understand that we don’t know how hard something will be until hindsight. Allow yourself to be free to dream and envision what you want without making it smaller or avoiding risk, and learn and grow even if we don’t get what we want.

All ideas are the same size and we don’t have to separate ourselves from them due to thinking they are too difficult, far away, or too much. We don’t really know how long something will take or how hard it is until hindsight, so we should be open to the possibilities that instant gratification can be available. We should let ourselves dream and desire whatever we want, without putting limits on ourselves.

We can envision the future we want and take small steps towards achieving it, starting with feeling what that desired future would be like in our imagination. We should allow ourselves to want, dream and envision our perfect life without fear of judgement. We can learn and grow even if we don’t get what we want, and by listening to our desires, we can get to know ourselves and be honest about what motivates us.

Allow yourself to be free to dream and envision what you want without making it smaller and avoiding risk. Don’t force it; be one with yourself and accept your desires. We should believe in ourselves and our dreams, no matter how hard it is to achieve them.

Even if nothing seems to go our way, we should never give up. Keep striving for your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you.

Key Lessons

  1. Believe in yourself and your dreams no matter how hard they may seem.
  2. Be open to possibilities and understand that you don’t know how hard something will be until hindsight.
  3. Allow yourself to be free to dream and envision what you want without making it smaller or avoiding risk.

Full episode transcript available at:

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