What if It’s All Already Within?

The other day I got to thinking about the idea of infinity not only being outwardly, but inwardly as well. It made me think that perhaps the source of inspiration, creativity, and divine power comes from within us and not from outside, and that life is an expression of inside-out, not outside-in. We can reveal our own truth by removing our own veils and connecting with all the creation that already exists within us.

We can understand the basics of infinity, but if we think about it too hard, we get stuck. Maybe the wrong question is where everything came from, because if there is an ultimate beginning, there must also be an end. Infinity has no beginning or end, and creation is constantly being split up and recombined.

Our internal explorations can be infinitely deep and can lead us to a union with everyone and everything else – the closer we get to the source of creation, the closer we get to all of creation. We can’t transfer absolute truths to one another, as they must be experienced internally to be fully known. Exploring what is within us can lead to union with all of creation and true connection with all that already exists.

Key Lessons

  1. Our source of inspiration, creativity, and power comes from within.
  2. Life is an expression of inside-out rather than outside-in.
  3. Exploring what is within us can lead to true connection with all that already exists.

Full episode transcript available at: https://theunionpath.com/episodes

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