Burying the Past

Liberation from Past Pain: A Healing Journey

Have you ever considered how your past experiences of pain and rejection are shaping your present? Today, we’re going to dive into the profound influence of our past and discuss how to break free from the chains that constrain us to a life of avoidance and invisibility.

We start off with a compelling story of living with a stutter – a condition that presents its own unique challenges. The intense pressure, the anxiety, the humiliation of feeling different can all lead to a lifestyle of avoidance. This avoidance can not only hinder our ability to form meaningful relationships but also obstructs us from living our life to its true potential. But hope is not lost. We underline the importance of acknowledging our suffering and pain, for it’s only by doing so can we liberate ourselves from it.

Lastly, we tackle the difficult task of letting go of past pain and how it affects our ability to connect with others and be vulnerable. The key to liberation lies in feeling our past pain and acknowledging it. This step can set us free from the shadows of our past, enabling us to embrace our future with renewed confidence. Join us on this journey of confronting our past, accepting our pain, and making the brave decision to let go, so we can all live our lives to the fullest.


(0:00:20) – The Impact of Our Past Pain
(0:04:25) – Living With a Stutter
(0:08:49) – Rejection, Pain, and Letting Go


(0:00:20) – The Impact of Our Past Pain (4 Minutes)

Our past, especially when it involves pain and suffering, can shape us in profound ways. Clinging to the pain and suffering of our past prevents us from living our life to the fullest. Avoiding our pain can lead to an avoidant life that limits our options and potential. It can be hard to acknowledge and feel our own pain, but that it’s necessary work to liberate ourselves from it.

(0:04:25) – Living With a Stutter (4 Minutes)

We explore the impact of our past on our present. We discuss how traumatic experiences like rejection, embarrassment, and humiliation can lead us to adopt coping and avoidant strategies that can prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. We look at how these blocks can hinder our ability to do what we want and to have meaningful relationships. We consider how having a stutter can create a unique experience of embarrassment and shame, as well as moments of intense pressure and anxiety. Finally, we reflect on how hiding from these experiences can lead to further suffering.

(0:08:49) – Rejection, Pain, and Letting Go (15 Minutes)

We look at how the pain of rejection, embarrassment, and humiliation can lead us to become invisible and avoidant. We discuss how it can be difficult to separate ourselves from our past pain and how we often choose to hide our true capabilities. We also explore how acknowledging our pain and allowing ourselves to feel it can be a key step in allowing our past pain to become the past.

Full episode transcript available at: https://theunionpath.com/episodes

All episodes are given freely. If you feel inspired to give, please visit: https://theunionpath.com/donate

If you have a question, you can contact me at theunionpath@gmail.com

Take care and all the best.

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