Keeping Your Soul Drive Your Sole Drive

Unraveling the Power of Focus and Priorities for a Purposeful Life

Do you ever feel like you’re trying to juggle a million balls at once, only to drop them all? Do you ever wonder if there’s a better way to live – one that aligns with your deepest values and desires, rather than the expectations of others? Then you’re in the right place. In this riveting discussion, we dissect the illusive art of focus and prioritization, and how going after what truly matters can catapult you towards a life you love. For those feeling overwhelmed, this is your wake up call, an invitation to stop spreading yourself thin and instead, start channeling your energy towards what’s important.

Are we merely existing or are we truly living in alignment with our core values? Our daily choices are a powerful reflection of what we deem important. This episode takes a deep dive into how our pursuit of authenticity can sometimes clash with societal norms. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that staying true to ourselves often leads to a life more purposeful and satisfying than any external approval could offer. We also explore how swapping our rigid focus on outcomes with a focus on what’s truly important can open up a world of possibilities. Now’s the time to prioritize your desires, live intentionally, and ultimately create a life that’s true to you.


(0:00:20) – The Power of Focus and Priorities
(0:09:43) – Living a Purposeful and Meaningful Life
(0:20:17) – Living a Meaningful and Intentional Life


(0:00:20) – The Power of Focus and Priorities (9 Minutes)

We discuss how it is so easy to allow our attention and focus to be fractured by a million different distractions, and how this often leads to a cycle of trying to do everything and not making much progress. I emphasize the power of focus and keeping the main thing the main thing, as this is a great way to instantly improve our lives.

(0:09:43) – Living a Purposeful and Meaningful Life (11 Minutes)

We explore how our daily choices and behaviors reflect what we believe matters most to us on a deep, fundamental level. It can be difficult to prioritize self-awareness and self-reflection in a culture that celebrates individualism but also expects selflessness. We consider the paradox of trying to maintain an external story of our identity over time, and how this can often lead to feelings of frustration. The most meaningful life is one that is driven by our own desires and values, and that being true to ourselves is worth any conflict that may come our way.

(0:20:17) – Living a Meaningful and Intentional Life (5 Minutes)

We explore how our focus on outcomes can be restrictive and how changing it to what is important can open up our life to endless possibilities. We discuss how our life can be enriched when we recognize and express our values, priorities, purpose, and meaning daily. We emphasize the significance of basing our life around what is truly meaningful and how this can result in a life that is more intentional and in line with our ambitions and wishes.

Full episode transcript available at:

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