Paying Attention
Listening to ourselves, harnessing discomfort and pain for personal growth. Deepening and expanding the clarity in our lives through learning to pay attention.
Encountering Truth
Living a full life through the power of truth. Discovering the truth that is on full-display in our own lives, and letting it guide us back to ourselves.
Missing the Message
The power of balance, finding the middle place between effort and surrender. Learning to hear what life is trying to tell us.
The Habit of Overdoing
Embracing yourself, overcoming anxiety and insecurity to find balance and joy. Transitioning from trying too hard, doing too much, and needing too much.
From Pushing to Flowing
The power of stepping through fear to find our true selves. Moving with life, instead of against it, going into life with our whole selves, letting life show us the way.
Stepping Beyond Control
Finding freedom through consciousness, awareness and connection. Moving beyond having to make everything happen, balancing allowing with intention.
From Deficit to Enough
Achieving true happiness and wholeness through self-acceptance. Moving through life with a sense of wholeness, feeling complete because we are complete.
Flowing with the Pain
Harnessing the power of pain – listening to and learning from our pain. How to flow with pain, vs trying to bury, hide, or ignore it.
Desire as Our Guiding Light
Using desire as a way-finding tool through life, allowing it to illuminate and inform our path.