The Difference Between Getting and Having

The Difference Between Getting and Having


Manifesting your desires, how to create change through awareness and alignment. Learning to know the difference between manifesting something and actually living with it, through actually being it.
Manifestation is the process of intentionally bringing people, places, and things into our lives. It involves two core energies: getting things and holding things. It takes a different set of skills to get and do a job, and the same applies to manifestation.

We need to put effort and thought into creating the relationship we want, not just getting it. We can manifest things we want in our lives, but it is important to understand the energy required to create something versus the energy required to keep it. It is important to know how the things we want fit with our beliefs of ourselves and what we deserve.

Trying to force, control and capture what we want can lead to disappointment. We need to be aware that our outer world is a reflection of our consciousness, and our true work is to align our consciousness with what we want in life. Loss can be painful but can also be an opportunity to try again and try better.

It's important to reflect on these painful experiences to learn and grow. Feeling frustrated or disappointed in life can lead to an exploration of one's identity and a better understanding of who they are. This ultimately helps us to live more intentionally and with greater awareness.

To create big changes in our lives, we must first change ourselves. We must align our consciousness, behavior, and thoughts with our true, authentic selves so that our ideal life can be expressed. We must connect with and express from the most ideal part of ourselves, our spirit.

We create our own lives by aligning with the Spirit within us and becoming the person we want to be. Our lives are a reflection of our consciousness and we have the power to create change whenever we wish by being conscious and aware of the changes we want to make. We have the power to create change in our lives by expanding our consciousness, and life will always reflect who we truly are.

We get to choose the direction of our life and create the environment for what we want to grow. Life always fulfills our true self.

Key Lessons
  1. Our outer world reflects our consciousness.
  2. To bring big changes, we must first change ourselves by aligning our knowing with our Spirit.
  3. We have the power to create change whenever we wish by being conscious and aware of the changes we want to make.
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