Missing the Message

Missing the Message


The power of balance, finding the middle place between effort and surrender. Learning to hear what life is trying to tell us.
We all have goals we strive to achieve and desires we are constantly pursuing. It is natural to feel frustrated when we don’t see results or progress in our efforts. But often, it is not only about reaching the destination, but also about the journey itself. To chase our goals and make the most of our lives, it is important to find a balance between effort and surrender.

We can learn a lot about ourselves by observing our own actions, attitudes, and overall way of being. We can also gain insight into our lives by noting our patterns and feelings, and paying attention to what is actually going on in any given moment. If we are too focused on a certain outcome, we may miss vital communication from our lives.

Achieving what we want in a healthy way involves shifting our energy to something more pleasant and enjoying the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. Finding a balance between showing up and trying to do something versus the need to have that thing done is essential. Surrender does not mean giving up, but rather a shift in energy around our thoughts and actions. We can choose how we do things, and the way we do them affects the outcome.

On the one hand, we need to have the determination and drive to keep showing up and trying. On the other hand, we need to be flexible and listen to what our lives are telling us. We can move towards our goals even if it feels like we are moving away. We can find a middle place of active engagement and cooperation rather than control.

We’ve all had experiences where we were frantic about getting something done, and then the exact same experience with a calmer approach yielded the same outcome but with a completely different experience. This is evidence that life is not an either-or but rather a balance of effort and surrender.

Therefore, we need to prioritize our experience and find the right balance between effort and surrender. Making this shift can lead to a more productive and rewarding journey, all the while still achieving our goals.

Full episode transcript available at: https://theunionpath.com/episodes

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