Category: Episodes
Unacknowledged Anger as an Obstacle to Joy
Anger is seen as an obstacle to joy, but it can be a difficult feeling to process. It is often seen as unattractive, but it is a natural emotion that can be expressed in healthy and unhealthy ways. If we want to live a life of joy, we must acknowledge and process our anger. Unacknowledged…
Bringing Together Heart, Mind, and Body
We often desire something, but our mind and/or body may not be aligned with that desire yet. If we explore this desire and envision it becoming reality, we can tell if it’s something we should pursue or not. We must assess our habits and perspectives in order to see if they align with our desires…
What if It’s All Already Within?
The other day I got to thinking about the idea of infinity not only being outwardly, but inwardly as well. It made me think that perhaps the source of inspiration, creativity, and divine power comes from within us and not from outside, and that life is an expression of inside-out, not outside-in. We can reveal…
Growing What You Want To Harvest
Life is a balance between doing and not doing, action and reflection. It’s important to live a life that we actually want to harvest and make sure our desires don’t consume us. We must remember to pay attention to our duties and obligations and also to our dreams and desires. We should strive for a…
All Ideas Are the Same Size, Part 2
We should let ourselves dream and envision our perfect life without fear of judgement and take small steps towards achieving it. We should believe in ourselves and our dreams no matter how hard they may seem, and never give up striving for them. We should be open to possibilities and understand that we don’t know…
All Ideas Are the Same Size, Part 1
All ideas are the same size, inherently undefined and unconditioned. We often prejudge ideas before understanding them, labeling them as big/small, safe/risky, and unlikely/likely. This can be helpful for protection, but can also keep us from pursuing the bigger, riskier ideas that may be the ones we need. Risk and danger are inevitable in life,…
You Know What You Want
We often don’t know what we want in life, but deep down we know what is true to us. The key is to live our true nature, instead of trying to fit in and change ourselves to be accepted. The conflict between our head and our heart can be resolved through cooperation. When something keeps…
Change Starts with Us
We often want change, but struggle to decide what exactly we want to change. Our desire for change can feel like we want less, but really we just want more relief, peace and joy. Relief is being saved from something, which is why it is a powerful emotion. All change starts with us and it’s…
Too Much Trying
We easily fall into the trap of trying to do too much and focusing on just one dimension of life. We think more effort and focus is the solution to not having what we want, but it’s really about the energy behind the doing. We need to learn to slow down, let go, and take…
The Alchemy of Physical and Spiritual
We are both physical and energy beings, and it’s important to strike a balance between the two to ensure we are living in harmony. It can be difficult to transition from a focus on the physical to one of energy, but it is necessary to truly be alive. Our physical and spiritual sides are both…